Assistance With Daily Personal Activities in Rockhampton
As we grow up, we develop the skills of carrying out our daily personal activities spontaneously. We do so to meet our daily personal needs. It is our instincts that teach us those skills and we do not need any external support for that. However, if you have any mobility restrictions or any other form of impairments, you may find it a bit difficult to carry out those activities. Here is where our assistance with daily personal activities in Rockhampton will make a difference. So worry not, if you are in Rockhampton.At CarePal we are home to highly qualified support workers, who are competent enough to deliver highly customised NDIS Personal Care Services in Rockhampton. Our customised support service will help you to lead the life you want to, with self-esteem and dignity.
How things work at CarePal?
What makes our Assistance With Personal Care in Rockhampton Unique?
What Does our NDIS Personal Care in Rockhampton include?
- Showering and bathing
- Maintenance of personal hygiene & grooming
- Dressing
- Going to the toilet
- Getting in and out of bed
- Moving around the house
- Help with eating
- Medication
What are the USPs of our Support Workers?
- They are caring and compassionate
- They offer time-bound as well as 24×7 service
- They are caring and compassionate, being more a friend than a professional